Thursday 11 March 2010

Robert’s Encounter with Abba Father’s love!

I accepted Jesus to be my Lord and personal saviour in 1997 after my elder brother Richard together with his friend George preached to me the Good news of Jesus.

Through my journey of walking with Christ, I starting to experience and acknowledge the love of God in my life; over the years I came to know Jesus and the Holy Spirit but I was never sure about Father God! I found that, although I could worship and understand Him, I didn’t love Him as I felt the first commandment was telling me to do. In fact deep in my heart I felt He was far-away and that I would never make Him closer to me!

I found myself regularly descending into what I now realise was mild-depression; I would be relieved when I could pull myself together and feel that no-one had realised what was going on, the mask was firmly in place again and I could carry on.

In His mercy and completely unexpectedly, in 2008, God opened away for me to attend the International School of Ministry at the Wings of Eagles School of Ministry Lox lane Christian Centre Shaftesbury Dorset UK.

During in one of the soaking session we had; I clearly heard an inner voice saying to me, you don’t have to look for love any more! I knew that this was my Heavenly Father’s voice. Incredibly, His voice carried on. He said, in such loving and affirming tone, you are wonderful and precious to me my son’ I am very proud of you, you are lovely, this voice went on and on! Suddenly, I began to laugh, and then cry, for the first time, I knew I had heard my heavenly Daddy’s voice loving me, not doctrinally but experientially!

I received a lot of healing in my heart and forgiveness, I feel released from burdens and hurts and much free. I feel so good to share the Father's love. "I am very pleased to know and to feel in my heart the way how the Father God loves me. “God loves us the same way like Jesus” this is AWESOME!!

Since that time, Father God filled my heart over and over again with His love. I now love Him because He first loved me. I can now be the ‘real’ me instead of trying to be a ‘strong Christian’. With His help, I am growing to love Him with all my heart, with my entire mind, with all my soul and with all my strength and to pass His love on to others. Thank you, Father, I love you.

Many of us have had very complicated relationships with our earthly fathers as result were many have been very frightened about getting to know God the Father in a personal way. And sometimes even the word father makes one cringe! I had a very distant relationship with my own father and it took me longer than most people to get to know God as a personal and loving Daddy! It was a slow process, but what a wonderful gift! Whenever I go through trials now I can meet Him in that vulnerable, weak place knowing I am safe and His loving arms are always available to comfort me. Because I had practically no experience of a father holding me, it was very hard for me to ever place myself in this position of receiving from Him.

I found a greater level of intimacy with God that I believe has completely changed my understanding and experience of Him. Many of us have a good understanding of God as Father but that becoming an experience and a lifestyle is something completely different.

I am still encountering the Father's love in my life on a daily basis; I am experiencing a great passion to help many, to encounter this love. I am persuaded that everyone has a fundamental need of a heart revelation of the Father, instead of hoarding facts about God, everyone need an experimental encounter with the Fathers' love which can help one's relationship with the Father God.

My greatest passion is to see individuals, regardless of their religious affiliations encountering the love of God’s which will transforms their entire lives for ever, and helping many to experience healing from the past wounding circumstances of life so that they can minister or help from greater purity to others with the Fathers' love, and inspiring others to receive revelations of the Father and freely to be able taking His love to nations.

Friday 5 March 2010

Abba Father Children Home (Uganda)

The vision of “Abba Father Children's Home” and sponsorship was born out of encountering the huge need of orphans, and vulnerable children in Uganda and in other developing nations where Abba Father Team so often ministers the gospel.

Throughout the scriptures Psalms 68:5; God reveals himself as a father to the fatherless and a defender of widows. The aim of Abba Father Ministries is to provide love, inspiration, faith and education that every child deserves.

To provide psychosocial-spiritual guidance and counseling, medical care, fellowship and hope to children who are troubled with life predicaments.

The opportunity to make a significant difference in the life of these children is very great and an investment in generations to come.

To create a community living a meaningful life with reduced vulnerability.

AFM is responsible for a number of children, especially young people, whom it provides school fees, accommodation, food and clothing them. Due to the overwhelming number of orphans and vulnerable children, out of the 85 children we have now, currently AFM sponsors a total number of 25 children; all of these children are entirely looked after by AFM.

Children at Abba Father Centre

The Abba Father Children's Home in Kasangati (Uganda) more children are adopted due to increasing number of children without care and love; on average over 15% homeless children are brought in for help.

AFM is working on expanding Children's Home/Centre, at the moment we’re renting the premises, a bungalow of six bedrooms which serves as a Home to our children who are under AFM care.

Robert believes that God has given him a big responsibility but is persuaded that if any one gets the glimpse of what I see, AFM could even do better things than what has been done. Owing to the deep conviction, that it is not by my strength but by God’s work within me, it gives me the strength to execute whatever God places on my heart.

I am pregnant with a Godly vision to parent children, especially vulnerable Children by meeting their spiritual, physical and financial needs.

We need adequate resources to provide for their needs for shelter, food, health care and their emotional, educational and practical needs so that even though they do not have natural parents or carers, they too can have decent lives and hope for a better future.

The Father’s love & the spirit of adoption are the most significant basics; we believe that if wounded children can understand and know how deeply they are loved by their Heavenly Daddy, their hearts will be healed. Then, they will be able to step into their identity, destiny, and inheritance as sons and daughters of God. Thus, the orphan spirit will be broken as they receive the spirit of son-ship receiving & knowing God as their father. God is crying out for His lost abandoned and forgotten children to come home and to be brought home. Please help us bring His lost children home!

Join us in spreading the love of God across the world by partnering with us today. Robert and his team, welcomes every invitation to reach-out to these children no matter how small or large, being delighted to serve, strengthen and equip the Body of Christ.

We cannot do this alone, only through the Heavenly Father, and with those partners who can catch up with our vision.

How You Can Be A Blessing!

If you want to know more about the work of AFM or become a member of our Supporter, partner or Volunteer team, then please do not hesitate in contacting Robert, or at our offices both in Uganda & UK, we will be able to advise on how you can make a difference in bringing help, hope and healing to many vulnerable lives.


If you would like to volunteer your time either as a group or individual please contact us for scheduling opportunities. We welcome all volunteers regardless of their denominational affiliations.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves...defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:8

Monday 22 February 2010

For further details; please contact Abba Father Ministries Int.

Abba Father Ministries Int.

Trinity Close P.O Box 36879

Kampala Uganda, East Africa.

Either; contact us on phone;

United Kingdom;

+44 (0) 7404 187 731

+44 (0) 7507 145 214

Uganda, Africa

+256 (0) 776 390 925

+256 (0) 776 925 721

Or email us;


Skype: abbafather.ministriesint

I would like to thank God for you, for visiting our Face book fan pages, our blog page on here, (the website is still under-construction soon will be on-line), I know and believe that you have been led here by the Lord and hopefully you will be blessed. Please get in touch with us and we will be glad to hear from you.

Blessings and love in Christ,

Robert C. Mukiibi

The alter Call;

How to become God’s child!

You can invite Jesus Christ into your heart and life right today.

If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10verse9

If you want to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and receive the gift of salvation you can talk to God right now and receive this wonderful gift, it's a matter of repenting of your sins, and turning the rest of your life unto Him.

Please pray with us this prayer;

Dear Heavenly Father, I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life towards you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite you Lord Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me to obey you, and to do your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

If you decided to become a Christian today, welcome to God's family. And if you have questions or concerns you would like help with, please call or let us know. We're here to help you understand the love that Jesus is offering you for free, no matter who or where you are. Welcome Home, we gladly looking forward to hear for you, please contact us!!

Land Property & Construction Program;

We have already made an inspection of the land property of about 8 hectares which will cost us £15800.00 i.e. US$19730.00, it’s in the AFM’ plan this year 2010 to acquire this land property, and by 2011 we believe God, construction to be starting. By faith, Robert went ahead and made a deposit of £2500.00, we now strongly believe God for the balance of £12800.00 which was agreed on to be paid fully in October this year 2010.

After obtaining our own land property the next step will be switching onto project of building/construction program by 2011; the complex will comprise of;

  • Abba Father Children Home Centre (which will accommodate more than 300 vulnerable children in Uganda)
  • Training Centre, will consist of a Christian Resource Facilitates
  • Medical centre,
  • Abba Father Christian Chapel.

In case you feel you have such a desire or vision in bettering lives of so many as is this Ministry, please do not be held back. Remember, while you partner with us, also your financial contribution helps go round the globe through crusades, conference meetings and seminars, as well as broadcasts, in bid to better the lives of many So as the Lord leads you let us stretch our arms far and wide in order to reach those billions of hurting, hungry and thirsty souls.

Child sponsorship program;

AFM runs a Child sponsorship program that provides:

  • Food
  • shelter,
  • Medical care,
  • Educational opportunities,
  • Important life-skills training.

1. Sponsoring a child in secondary is 850.00dollars for a full year. i.e. 450.0 pounds

2. Sponsoring a child in primary school is 450dollars a full year. i.e. 350.0 pounds

3. Sponsoring a student in a tertiary institution for a course is 700 dollars i.e. 380.0 pounds a full year.

4. Sponsoring a student at university level is 1200.00 dollars i.e. 800.00 pounds for a semester (six semesters to finish).

5. Medical facilitates per month US$250.00 i.e. £150.00, meals/food per month US$500 i.e. £320.00 and the premises rent fee including water and electric bills per month is US$700.00 i.e.

6. Currently there’s Abba Father Home which is located in Kasangati which is about 10miles away from Kampala City, along Gayaza road, these premises are being rented where our Children who were homeless are being accommodated and taken care of. Per month the house rent fee cost including, eclectic and water bills is £250.00 or $380.00

Through the care and sponsorship, our children have been able to hear about Jesus Christ and encouraged to develop a lifelong relationship with God!

Abba Father Christian Chapel

The setting will provide an opportunity for individuals or couples to “get away” for a time period of a few hours or as long as a week to rest and receive intensive ministry. Abba Father Chapel is a place where different people from different denominations can come to have time to encounter the fathers’ love having special time in his presence as one get time off from his/her struggles of life etc.

Also being a training centre where many Christians can be trained, and place to bring many "home" to the Father's house and to the Father's heart! Abba Father Ministries Int. has seen how difficult it can be for individuals seeking help to effectively disengage from the stress and busyness surrounding them. I believe that there is great benefit in creating a healing environment with effective healing ministry.

Sunday 21 February 2010

The Genesis of the Abba Father Children's Home/Centre.

One night, I asked God to give me a dream; the dream I had was of a young orphan girl crying out desperately for her daddy, I held her and cried with her and felt that very familiar father wounds! My heart’s passion is to reach-out the Fathers’ love to many who have been heartbroken, hurt, depressed with disappointments, and mistreated through various circumstances of life, and cramped persons to come out of bondage into the realm of glorious light of the Father's LOVE! This is my own testimony and I believe the Father God can do it again for many through my life.

I am pregnant with a Godly vision to parent children, especially vulnerable Children by meeting their spiritual, physical and financial needs. We need adequate resources to provide for their needs for shelter, food, health care and their emotional, educational and practical needs so that even though they do not have natural parents or carers, they too can have decent lives and hope for a better future.

Robert's vision under AFM is to take care of about 2000 vulnerable children across Africa, and other parts of the world. In my own life I have seen God doing total miracles. He truly looks after His children. That is why I am so passionate about reaching-out to vulnerable individuals especially children. Note; you and I, we have the opportunity to practice God's real love to this hurting world and to be our brother's keeper. I encourage you to be a part of this incredible ministry.

God is more than able to use you & me; to help ease the pain of a child in desperate need; we are blessed to have supporters like you and we are honored that you have chosen this Ministry as a place to sow your seed by helping us to make difference in lives of many.

You may be the only Jesus that child may ever see!

"Whoever welcomes ones of these little children in my name, welcomes me...." -Mark 9v37

Abba Father Ministries Int. Is purposed;

To impact the communities and beyond with the life change power of the gospel with the love of God; aiming to do this by:

  • Preaching,
  • Praying,
  • Serving,
  • Training, (To train and equip people to live in intimacy relationship with God)
  • Counselling & Discipleship ministry.

AFM is truly setting a standard and making a mark in the lives of hundreds of people within Uganda and across the world. We truly ministering love in a hurting world. We also look for radical transformation, within the person, and eventually in the atmosphere in which their lives (Spiritually, Physically, and financially). AFM aim to see lives transformed by the power of the Holly Spirit, that people will be healed both in the inner man and in the physical.

We do practical ministry, through enabling children to have education, young people to have further education, and to train people to be able to support themselves and their families. In future we aim to establish Abba Father Training centres, for trade training, such as Electricians, plumbers, builders, carpenters and other trades where the need arises, this can be helpful to Church leaders and their flocks to generate income sources to support their ministries, this is much focused to the rural regions.

How we work?

AFM, work in close partnership with indigenous groups, churches, evangelists, missions.

AFM, Ministers both nationally and internationally through working together with local churches/church pastors/leaders that help in coordinating and hosting our conference and seminar meetings.

AFM conducts reach-out ministries every month, called Abba Father’s Love Conference, seminars, for married, church ministers and leaders, Youth & Children; these conferences are being organized annually. We are strongly and passionately believe that God called us to be responsible to His people.

We preach and teach the gospel and making Disciples of Jesus, not fill churches with more religious people, this brings about the fullness of the kingdom of God, by seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness, knowing fully that all things will be added. This means teaching all new converts, and consolidating their position in Christ. To see every new believer transformed by the renewing of the mind, through the hearing of the Gospel (Gods word).

Abba Father Ministries, works in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the nations through missions and also practically by helping the poor and needy through projects like Abba Father Centres (Homes).

Apart from looking after the vulnerable children, AFM also reaching-out to communities by offering physical and spiritual care, and hope to those living in isolation. i.e. people in slum areas, remote areas were we take vital medical, relief & development services and the life-giving Gospel to many vulnerable people.

AFM; exists to ensure that every man, woman and child has the opportunity of experiencing the miraculous, life changing power of the gospel and to provide an environment were they can grow and develop in ministry for the glory of God.

Statement of Faith

  • We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and is inspired by God's Spirit. It is a sufficient infallible rule to guide us in our daily walk.
  • We believe that God is eternal, three persons in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that God the Father is compassionate, gracious, abounding in love and faithful to his children; Jesus came to connect us to the Father.
  • We believe in the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of Christ in the church today.
  • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in Jesus Christ.
  • We believe in water baptism for believers; by immersion.
  • We believe that worship is high priority for us.
  • We believe that prayer is the touchstone of our power.
  • We believe that the only way eternal life is received is by faith alone in Jesus Christ.

Our values are;

Things that drive and shape AFM culture; they are the principles that we hold and aspire to and which we have in common with other Christian ministries.

  • We value the Bible; as our final authority in all matters of belief and practice
  • We value worship; People motivated by their love of God and wanting to passionately worship Him with all their lives.
  • We value excellence; Doing everything in the best possible way to bring glory to God.
  • We value the work of the Holy Spirit; His gifts, presence and empowering in every aspect of church life.
  • We value the grace of God; By which we are saved and changed to become like Jesus. Grace means we can continue in the Christian life and be with God forever.
  • We value the kingdom of God; AFM impacting every aspect of our community and nation, bringing an authentic God centred counter-culture to every aspect of life: education, business, government, family life and social care.
  • We value relationship; A dynamic and growing church community where people demonstrate a practical and sacrificial love for one another in open, honest and accountable friendships.
  • We value marriage; A life-long covenant between a man and a woman, given by God to be honoured and cherished.
  • We value family; The God-given context in which children are raised and others can be cared for.
  • We value discipleship; Equipping people to share the good news about Jesus Christ, heal the sick, drive out evil spirits, make other disciples and use their gifts.
  • We value leadership; Leaders marked by a servant heart, grace, humility, calling and full of the Holy Spirit.
  • We value healing; People being made whole physically, emotionally, spiritually and relationally.
  • We value social justice; A concern for the poor, the disadvantaged and suffering demonstrated in practical help and generous giving.
  • We value generosity; Time, energy, skills, resources and money to build the church and extend God's kingdom.
  • We value prayer; Demonstrating our utter dependence on God and desire for intimacy with Him.
  • We value creativity; Using God-given talents, imagination and initiatives to make a difference in the world.

Abba Father Ministries; welcomes and invites Christian ministries, individuals worldwide who wish to coordinate with us. Our greatest passion is to take the love of God, making disciples across the world, equipping, and training church leaders & ministers such that they get more rooted in Biblical principles with God’s love as they minister to others. We cannot do this alone, only through the Heavenly Father, and with those partners who can catch up with our vision.

Robert and his team, welcomes every invitation to minister no matter how small or large, being delighted to serve, strengthen and equip the Body of Christ. The ministry is characterised by bold and direct teaching/preaching of Gods Word and his love, a heart for worship and regular manifestations of the power of the Holy Spirit.

Join us in spreading the love of God across the world by partnering with us today!

Longing for Abba Father’s Love!

When I call God "Father" it is recognition that he created me and owns my life. His desires are perfect and imperative on me. I must humbly bow to him at all times and allowing him speak to me. He deserves my total respect and obedience even in matters I find unpleasant or do not understand. As Daddy, I can run to him at all time with my fears and worries. I can take his counsel with trust and I have nought to hide from him and he is a friend.

Jesus is trying to help you and me to know a Father who loves us and will not do us harm, a Father who will not slap us around, but will encircle us in his arms and let us feel his love, a Father who will not let you go. My dear friend, Jesus wants to reintroduce you to his Father, to your Father, so that you can be whole spiritually and emotionally. Reclaim your birthright to know and enjoy the love of Abba as Your Father.

Simply pray this prayer: Dear God, my Abba Father, what an extraordinary privilege it is to call you Father. How grateful I am that Jesus has invited me into his relationship with you. It is so wonderful that the Son enables me to be your child as well. Thank you, dear Father, for the relationship I have with you through Christ.

Help me, Lord, to grow in this relationship. May I run to you as a young child to his daddy, enjoying your security and embrace, and may I also live my life out of respect for you.

Thank you, dear Father, for the Spirit who helps me to know you as my Abba. What a gift you have given me in the Spirit! Amen.

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. (Romans 8:14,15)."